Think of a time in your life that you felt unprepared to accomplish a task. Yet, you went boldly forward, even if you were shaking at the knees the whole time. In the end, the event turned out better than you could ever have imagined. That is the idea behind reverse sink or swim.
If you are a medium-size company executive or owner, then you may be disappointed with the results that your website is currently experiencing. If so, then reverse sink or swim can turn those results around and get them headed in the right direction with minimal effort and without requiring a lot of time. The great news is that you can accomplish reverse sink or swim in just a few simple steps.
Let’s face it. You have no choice to succeed in your digital marketing today, or your company is doomed to failure. You are in a sink or swim situation, so it is time to start swimming boldly.
Step 1: Use Your Main Keywords in Your Domain Name
Your domain name should have your main keywords in it. For example, if your main keyword is essential oils, then your domain name should have essential oils in it. In this case, is taken, but you can secure if you are willing to pay $5,000, for about $2,400 or for about $3,500. Sometimes, you may want to go ahead and pay the fee to get a great domain name.
If you go to secure that domain name, but the price is unreasonable, then use your main keywords in your subdomain name. This can also be an excellent choice for those companies who already have a domain name but they have not used their keywords in the name. Creating a subdomain is usually a simple process that can save you from having to start over again.
Step 2: Use the Right Links in the Correct Places
Stop for a moment and take a mental drive around your community. The chances are that there are some run-down areas that you would not want to be in and others where you would love to live. It is the same with your website. When you link out to sites with low domain authority, you let Google and other search engines know that you are willing to live in the ghetto. When you link out to websites with higher domain authority, you let the search engines know that is where you want your website to live.
The first step is to create quality content that others will want to share with their readers. If every page on your website is not top-quality, get it that way now.
Then, check all your current links and start hunting for any that need replacing. It is essential to fix any links that lead to broken web pages or web pages that no longer feature what was there in the past. Remove any links to websites with less than a domain authority of 10.
It is equally important to reach out to other webmasters during this process and see if they will link to your pages. If necessary, offer to create web pages that meet the needs they have within your field of authority.
Step 3: Fix Site Errors
Open Google Analytics and look at your list of errors. Particularly, look for any that is stopping Google and other search robots from crawling your site. Then, work your way through any remaining errors until your site is error-free.
If you have not already done so, your website must be mobile-friendly. When given a choice, Google uses your mobile site to crawl your website. Your website must start loading instantly, and the first content should be useable in under 3 seconds.
Additionally, you should have a site map. Your most important pages, like shipping and return policies, should require no more than two clicks to get to them.
Step 4: Choose Appropriate Anchor Text
Way too often, website creators get lazy when choosing their anchor text. If all of your anchor texts use the exact wording, that is bad, regardless of whether it is inbound-or-outbound links. Use the anchor text to promise the reader if they follow that link, they will learn more about a particular subject that relates to your niche.
When you complete these four steps efficiently, then you will win at SEO. Remember to start by sending Google and other search engines a strong message about your website by using your main keywords in your domain-or-subdomain name. Then, make sure that all of your links point to quality content that your readers will find helpful. You can do this by ensuring that the site has a domain authority score of at least 10. The next step is to eliminate all errors on your site and make it as user-friendly as possible. Finally, use different words as your anchor text that tells readers exactly what they will find if they follow that link.
Doing reverse sink or swim is not tricky, but it can be time-consuming. In fact, it is a great way to build search ranking while using fewer hard-to-get back links. When yo try to do it yourself, you are taking time away from other activities that you enjoy doing more and are more proficient at doing. That is why we are here to help. Contact us today and let us partner with you in creating a solid digital marketing program that will produce results.